Quality management

Vision and strategy

Securing competitive power in car parts business through innovation
Innovation is practice

  1. Quality assurance equal to customers/ to improve customer brand
  2. Quality assurance recognized by customers/ to contribute to customer brand
  3. Quality achievement beyond customer satisfaction
  4. Quality achievement through innovation/ partner to customers' success
  5. Supply of best quality products through quality management/ corporate development (national development)
  6. Clean quality through SPEC/ root of customer success

Suzhou Daeyeong Precision Co., Ltd. | No. 305, Sanhuseoro Okang Economic Development Zone, Kaon su, Suzhou, P.R. China
TEL. 0512-65858115 | FAX. 0512-65623820
COPYRIGHT ⓒ Suzhou Daeyeong Precision Co., Ltd.. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.