苏州大荣电子有限公司 | 苏州大荣电子有限公司

Quality management

Status of inspection equipment

검사장비 현황

Specimen polisher

■ model : MP-2B

■ Inspection Principles
After the flattened surface through the fine structure and the grinding of the plastic / metal material of the metal sample is a sample made uniform for surface leveling device for a biopsy and the heat thermal conductivity measurement of the metal surface


Suzhou Daeyeong Precision Co., Ltd. | No. 305, Sanhuseoro Okang Economic Development Zone, Kaon su, Suzhou, P.R. China
TEL. 0512-65858115 | FAX. 0512-65623820
COPYRIGHT ⓒ Suzhou Daeyeong Precision Co., Ltd.. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.