苏州大荣电子有限公司 | 苏州大荣电子有限公司

Quality management

Status of inspection equipment

검사장비 현황

All-round projector

■ model  : PH-3500

■ Inspection Principles
Precision universal projector is a measuring instrument that can easily and precisely measure the dimensions of the precision small processing products, precision press products, gauges, inspection gauges, is that can the equipment measures the contour dimensions as the surface shape of a product with a complicated shape, for example, small press products, cam, I screw, gear cutting tools, automobile parts, precision injection products such as the measuring chamber or the production or QC essential equipment at the workplace

Suzhou Daeyeong Precision Co., Ltd. | No. 305, Sanhuseoro Okang Economic Development Zone, Kaon su, Suzhou, P.R. China
TEL. 0512-65858115 | FAX. 0512-65623820
COPYRIGHT ⓒ Suzhou Daeyeong Precision Co., Ltd.. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.